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6 Hangover Cures That Really Work

Too much to drink the night before? here’s some tips

coffeaspirins6. COFFEE AND AN ASPIRIN

This is almost a go to destination for anyone who has suffered a hangover and apparently it’s been proven to work. A 2010 study published in the journal’ PlOS ONE’ found caffeine in coffee and the anti-inflammatory ingredients of aspirin and other painkillers, reacted against the chemical compounds of ethanol, or pure alcohol. Cellini does however caution:

coffee further dehydrates you and is acidic, but it will force adrenaline up which will give you a false energy boost.

It’s best to take precaution when it comes to drinking coffee and painkillers together. Keep hydrated folks – it seems that it’s one of the best ways to overcome a hangover.

We’re just waiting for that bacon and egg sandwich cure. A side glass of orange juice won’t do you any harm either – so we’re a bit closer to that greasy breakfast hangover all in one solution.

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