
How to Get Rid of Varicose Veins Forever with 8 Natural Remedies

How to Get Rid of Varicose Veins: Don’t just take it a cosmetic issue, if you have twisted, blue blood vessels in your legs and thigh areas. All these signs may indicate the onset of varicose veins. Yes, the term may be unknown to many of us, but awaking with a heavy and achy leg is most common and familiar signs that we experience often. Throbbing, cramping are other signs that appear with the occurrence of varicose veins afterwards.

There was a myth that professionals, who have to work in standing position for hours, are at high risk to develop these diseases. So before you face any trouble, you should know the detail information about varicose veins, and we hope that we can satisfy your quarries.

In our article, we are going to focus on the prime issues related to varicose veins. These include what is the best treatment and how to how to Get Rid of Varicose Veins.

Besides this, you will also get an idea about varicose vein surgery and varicose vein home treatment from our discussion. So read on to gather more information.

Before we get into the discussion, let us start with varicose vein definition.

What is Varicose Vein?

When any vein especially in leg and feet area become twisted and get enlarged it is called varicose vein. In this situation, the vein started to swell, and the affected person may feel heaviness and pain in the leg.

The Varicose veins turn twisted, and they are visible from outside as the veins lay just beneath the skin. Sometimes patches of flooded blood capillaries, purple coloured, appear on the leg, which is known as spider veins.

Though varicose vein is a common condition, it may also develop as a family trait. Besides superficial veins, there are central veins in the leg and feet, which can be varicosed and cause a painful situation. However, they are not visible at the beginning and come to notice when blood clot form in the affected area.

Varicose Vein Causes:

Usually, there are plenty of theories that explain why the veins get varicosed, but according to common opinion, the malfunctioning valves inside the veins are the vital cause. 

The veins are an essential part of the blood circulation network in our body. They are responsible for pushing back deoxygenated blood to the heart again from various parts of the body.  It’s a one-way action.

So to prevent the backward flow of blood, there are valves attached with veins which direct the blood towards the heart only to get more oxygen. If any of the valves get damaged or become weak and fails to perform correctly, the blood flow gets obstructed.

To accomplish this blood circulation, the veins depends on the surrounding muscle and a cup-like one-way valve which work to return the blood to the heart. In the case of varicosed veins, the muscles may get weakened and do not push blood from one vein to the other.

Due to this, the blood continues to pool in the veins which cause the venous pressure to rise, and veins started bulging and twisting.

Varicose veins Symptoms:

A varicose vein begins with minor symptoms like heaviness in the leg and aching but twisted and swollen veins are not the only indication of varicose veins. So let us go through the signs to know more.

  • Heaviness in leg and feet area.
  • Swelling in the ankle joint.
  • Cramping sensation in the leg, especially at night.
  • The lower leg and ankles may develop an itchy sensation.
  • Individuals may feel pain and tenderness. The pain becomes worsened after working for long hours in standing position or in warm weather.

Who are at a High Risk to Develop Varicose Veins:

Many factors can raise the risk of varicose veins at any age. Though varicose veins do not favor any gender and men and women can develop them at any age. But certain factors increase the risk.

  • Family history: varicose veins tend to run in the family. The weakness in the main valve can be inherited, and it is one of the important of your chance to get varicose veins.
  • Certain Jobs: Some jobs demand to stay in one position for a long time, especially if anyone is standing or work in a bent position may indulge the veins hard to pump blood. The same also happens who work in a sitting position for a long time.
  • Obesity: Your extra weight can increase the risk of your varicose veins.
  • Pregnancy: During pregnancy, a woman has to carry double weight on her abdomen area so normally her pressure on leg and risk of varicose vein increased.  But this usually disappears after delivery.
  • Age: After a certain age the veins begin to week and this causes obstruction in blood flow which is inevitable in old age.

 How Can We Diagnose Varicose veins:

It is comparatively easy to identify varicose vein from the early warning signs like swollen ankle, heaviness and feeling of pain in leg and feet etc. But all these are not enough to be sure that it is a specific test to know more accurately with the help of a varicose vein. Therefore we need some expert medical advisor. He may ask for-

  • A thorough physical examination, especially in the leg area in different posture or in standing position as standing for 5 to 10 minutes, can make the varicose veins more visible.
  • He may ask your family history in detail.
  • Your doctor may also use the method of palpation to feel your vein condition and to evaluate the presence of any blood clot.
  • If necessary, a duplex ultrasound test and Venogram are prescribed to check the nature of blood flow and to assess the vein condition.

Home Remedies of Varicose Veins:

Varicose veins are a typical problem that may not need any treatment in most of the cases. But if it causes much discomfort and trouble, then it requires medical attention to avoid further complications.

Some people remove it or make it less prominent by laser treatment as it looks ugly. Varicose veins surgery is also done under local anesthesia to remove the large veins or to strip together.

Varicose veins surgery also involves ligation of veins. But patience only permitted to go for surgery after all the home treatment for varicose veins fails. Varicose vein treatment costs can widely vary on where and how you are planning to do this.

There are also several ways of varicose vein treatment in Ayurved to get rid of the pain and trouble. So, let us check varicose vein home treatment and varicose vein treatment in Ayurveda.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar:

It is one of the unconventional methods that can heal the varicose vein when applied externally. Well, to say more clearly the only way to rectify the problems like varicose vein is possibly from inside, but some common ingredients also can do wonder in a few cases.

This fermented apple juice has astringent properties, and it can improve blood circulation when massaged in the inflamed area. It also reduces the pain and heaviness of the leg.

Method to use:

  • Apply a few drops of undiluted apple cider vinegar on the varicose veins and massage with a gentle hand.
  • Do this daily before going to bed for a few months.

2. Exercise:

Any form of leg exercise can give you relief from the pain and the discomforts of varicose veins. If we include exercise, as it is one of the best ways to heal varicose veins.

Especially those who have to stand or sit for a long time due to their profession would be benefitted from daily physical activity.

Few low impact exercises can improve the blood flow in the veins and also do not allow collecting blood in the veins.

Exercises also control blood pressure. So you can choose the following low-impact exercises, such as:

  • Cycling.
  • Swimming.
  • Walking.
  • Yoga.

3. Horse Chestnut Seed:

This is an ancient home treatment method to get relief from varicose veins. These seeds are anti-inflammatory and anti-swelling. Horse chestnut seed contains a component called Aescien that improves the veins strength and elasticity, and it also inhibits the release of a specific enzyme that damage capillary walls.

Method: Horse chestnut extract is available in gel form in medicine shop.

  • Use the gel externally twice daily.
  • It reduces pain.
  • Not applicable to pregnant women.

4. Dietary changes:

Our health and well being depends on our diet to a great extent. It is necessary to avoid salty and sodium-rich food to prevent water retention in the body.

This could be helpful to reduce leg swelling. On the other hand, potassium enriched food help to reduce water retention in our body. So you must include the following potassium enriched food—

  • Potatoes.
  • Lentils.
  • Green vegetables.
  • Almond.
  • Fish like salmon and Tuna.

Moreover adding more fibre to your diet is beneficial for health and consuming amla, orange, and ginger regularly may help to get relief.

Try to replace white rice and white flour with brown rice and whole wheat flour to control blood pressure might be useful

5. Garlic:

This humble-looking kitchen ingredient is a powerful home remedy for many health issues. It is also used as an ayurvedic treatment of varicose veins for its excellent properties to reduce pain and inflammation.

It can break up harmful toxins in the blood vessels and thus improve blood flow.

Method to Use:

  • Take 7 or 8 garlic cloves and slice them. Keepm them in a glass jar.
  • Take three oranges and extract the juice. Add two tablespoon of olive oil. Add all the ingredients with the garlic.
  • Let all the ingredients sit for 12 hours and Shake afterwards to mix well. Now take a few drops to massage on the varicose vein for 15 minutes.
  • Wrap with cotton cloth.
  • Do it daily for one or two months.

6. Use Of Brahmi:

Bacopa monnieri which is popularly known as Brahmi in Indian Ayurved is a medicinal herb, and it is probably the best treatment for varicose veins as per Ayurved.

It contains all the necessary nutrients that tone up the veins and prevent them from getting twisted. To get the benefits of Brahmi, you have to take it for four weeks continuously with Jasad Bhasma, which is a mineral Supplement and it, has the following benefits like:

  • It has zinc.
  • It helps to form collagen and thus prevent blood clots in the veins.
  • It also helps to concentrate Vitamin E in the blood.

7. Elevation Of Leg:

To increase blood flow in the leg and feet area try to keep your leg in an elevated position for at least 15 minutes daily. Your Dr. may give you instruction to elevate your leg above your heart level to heal the discomfort caused by varicose veins.

The ideal time to do that is when you are resting or watching TV. All you to do are to arrange a few pillows under your leg to give it support and comfortable elevation.

This will increase blood flow in the right direction, and you will feel good immediately.

8.Olive Oil Massage:

Massaging oil can be useful to get relief in pain and muscle strain as it helps to generate blood circulation. In a varicose vein, the discomfort is caused by the irregular blood flow, and so gentle oil massage may be beneficial to reduce pain and inflammation.


  • Take two teaspoons of olive oil and vitamin E oil.
  • Warm it lightly and massage on the varicose veins gently.
  • Do it twice daily to get the best result.

How To Prevent Varicose Veins:

Prevention is always better than cure, so you can take measures to prevent varicose veins. Such as:

  • Always make a move after sitting or standing for a while. Keeping your leg moving will make your nerves and veins more active.
  • Do exercise or yoga regularly.
  • Avoid tight clothing.
  • Eat foods that contain flavinoids like grapes blueberries, cherries, apples and garlic. Flavinoids helps to control blood pressure in the arteries and relax the veins.
  • Avoid sitting in a crossed leg as it restricts the blood flow.

Vericose Veins Exercise:

Therefore, varicose vein treatment at home is possible if we are conscious from the beginning. Along with home remedies, diet and lifestyle changes may improve the symptoms.

So, friends, we hope that after going through the above how to Get Rid of Varicose Veins will surely help you.

The original article can be found here:

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